Year: 2010 Country: South Korea Director: Cho Myung-nam Genre: Action | Drama | War Runtime: 103 min Language: Korean Subtitles: English Theatrical Release Date: 05/05/2010 Cast: Son Byung-ho, Lim Won-hie, Lee Ah-lee, Kim Min-ki, Yeom Woo-sang, Park Choong-sun, Ki Se-hyung, Hyun Won, Lim Chae-mu
The film Republic of Korea 1% takes an up-close and personal account a Marine's military life with a touch of "G.I. Jane", as Lee Ah-lee stars as Staff Sergeant Lee Yu-mim, the first woman to pass training in first place and the struggles to lead a group of the worst performing soldiers into the best. She struggles as her teammates don’t respect her as their leader and rival staff sergeant Wang Jong-pal (Im Won-hee) interferes. With the support of Sergeant Kang Cheol-in (Son Byeong-ho), Yu-mim begins final training with her teammates. It's about bonding over sweat and tears, undergoing some excruciating training sessions.